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Course Image Foundation course (Introductory) in Haemodynamics

Foundation course (Introductory) in Haemodynamics



Monitoring and manipulating haemodynamics are central technics utilised by our profession. The course will be led by a multidisciplinary panel of top expert faculty and it will provide a competence-based training programme on the main aspects of haemodynamic monitoring in the intensive care unit (ICU). The course will expose participants to a wide range of teaching/learning techniques meant to boost knowledge retain, improve technical and professional skills for better clinical performance and therefore patient outcome. 

An online support classroom has been created and includes various study resources on the topic. Participants are welcome to study them for a better in-class performance. Continuous monitoring and follow will be carried out in order to ensure that any shortcomings are avoided.  

The classroom will stay open for 3 months after the Live Event. A pre-test will be open 72 hours in advance and will close the first day of the course. The course will be followed by a post-test, available 72 hours post-course along with the quality assessment questionnaire. Pre and post evaluation results will be evaluated to measure the training impact. 


General Information

Enrolled trainees 12

Open 17.06.2024

Close 16.03.2025

Available for ESICM limited places

Last Updated June 17, 2024

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the determinants of arterial pressure and cardiac output 
  • Explain the importance of tissue hypoperfusion and the pathophysiology of shock states 
  • Understand and apply the principles of arterial blood pressure monitoring 
  • Outline basic concepts of cardiac output monitoring 
  • Recognize the clinical symptoms and basic echocardiographic features of shock 
  • Understand the fundamentals of fluid and vasoactive therapy 

Relevant competencies in CoBaTrICE

  • 2.3a Performs and interprets transthoracic cardiac ultrasound for the recognition and assessment of left ventricular and right systolic failure, contraction pattern and dilation and pericardial tamponade.
  • 2.9 Monitors and responds to trends in physiological variables
  • 3.1Manages the care of the critically ill patient with specific acute medical conditions
  • 3.3 Recognises and manages the patient with circulatory failure
  • 4.4 Uses fluids and vasoactive / inotropic drugs to support the circulation
  • 5.17 Demonstrates amethod for measuring cardiac output and derived haemodynamic variables
  • Understand the basic concepts of cardiovascular physiology useful at bedside
  • Understand the determinants of arteria pressure
  • Outline basic concepts of cardiac output monitoring
  • Understand the determinants of arteria pressure

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