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Course Image Bleeding & thrombosis

Bleeding & thrombosis

General Topics in ICM


Critically ill patientsare inherently at risk of thrombotic events due to severity of illness, immobilization and altered coagulation. Less frequently, patients are admitted to the emergency room with haemorrhagic shock or from the operating room with
a coagulopathy. Knowledge of normal haemostasis and disorders of coagulation are paramount to achieving optimal outcomes. The incidence of drug-induced and circuit-induced coagulopathies is increasing with the advent of new pharmacological agents
and novel modes of organ support aimed at prolonging life. We discuss aetiology and management of thrombotic and bleeding events in critical care patients.

General Information

Enrolled trainees 2863

Open 10.10.2018

Available for ESICM members

Student effort 3

Last Updated April 4, 2022

Intended Learning Outcomes

After studying this module on Bleeding and Thrombosis, you should be able to:

  • Describe the physiology of normal coagulation
  • Describe common bleeding disorders in the critically ill and discuss the appropriate treatment with surgery, haemostatic interventions, blood components and pharmacological agents
  • Interpret traditional laboratory tests of coagulation and point of care assessment of coagulation
  • Diagnose and manage thrombotic disorders that occur in the critically ill
  • Discuss traditional antithrombotic drugs and new oral anticoagulants
  • Discuss management of anticoagulation and bleeding associated with novel technologies in organ support

Relevant competencies in CoBaTrICE

  • 3.1 Manages the care of the critically ill patient with specific acute medical conditions

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