Nutrition Part II
Part 2: Nutritional targets
The optimal energy and protein requirements of critically ill patients are difficult to define accurately. In addition, this approach is often complicated by hyperglycaemia, uraemia and fluid overload. For this reason, it is often best to refer to these as ‘targets’ rather than requirements.
General Information
Enrolled trainees 1755
Open 28.05.2019
Available for ESICM members
Student effort 3
Last Updated May 13, 2024
Intended Learning Outcomes
After studying this module on Nutritional targets you should be able to:
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of indirect calorimetry and predictive equations for estimating energy targets
- Outline the target requirements of energy and proteins
- Outline the target requirements of micronutrients and electrolytes
Relevant competencies in CoBaTrICE
- 1.1 Adopts a structured and timely approach to the recognition, assessment and stabilisation of the acutely ill patient with disordered physiology
- 2.2 Undertakes timely and appropriate investigations
- 2.9 Monitors and responds to trends in physiological variables
- 2.10 Integrates clinical findings with laboratory investigations to form a differential diagnosis
- 3.7 Recognises and manages the patient with acute gastrointestinal failure
- 4.1 Prescribes drugs and therapies safely
- 4.8 Recognises and manages electrolyte, glucose and acid-base disturbances
- 4.9 Co-ordinates and provides nutritional assessment and support
- 7.1 Identifies and attempts to minimise the physical and psychosocial consequences of critical illness for patients and families
- 11.4 Identifies and minimises risk of critical incidents and adverse events, including complications of critical illness
- 11.6 Critically appraises and applies guidelines, protocols and care bundles
- 11.7 Describes commonly used scoring systems for assessment of severity of illness, case mix and workload
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