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Course Image EPICC Communication and Decision Making in a Multidisciplinary Environment

EPICC Communication and Decision Making in a Multidisciplinary Environment

Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine


Communication is essential to human interaction and development. Communication is a key skill that is explored, practiced and examined in medical schools across the world. It constitutes a core competency of how we are assessed in our continuing medical careers. It is well recognised that poor communication is often the root cause of many complaints and critical incidents, which lead to patient harm, increased length of stay and poor staff morale.
Key to good communication is enabling a patient to be at the centre of decision-making about their treatment. All efforts must be taken to facilitate patients’ making fully informed decisions about immediate and on-going care needs and this may involve an assessment of capacity where necessary. If required extra support for patients must be provided to assist them in making an independent decision, but occasionally this is not possible and a decision must be made in the best interests of the individual concerned.

There is an increasing availability of decision aids, which can be utilised to make it easier for patients and clinicians to reach a shared-decision about the most appropriate way to progress their care and use of these tools should be encouraged. The validity of consent can be questioned in the event of a patient complaint.

It is inevitable that not all episodes of communication will be straightforward and conflict is something that all professionals will encounter at some point in their career. It is therefore essential that strategies to recognise, acknowledge and resolve conflict are part of the communication skill set.

General Information

Enrolled trainees 408

Open 04.04.2022

Available for ESICM members

Student effort 3

Last Updated April 4, 2022

Intended Learning Outcomes

After studying Communication and Decision Making in a Multidisciplinary Environment you should be able to:

  • Explain the difference between assent and consent.
  • Understand the components of valid, informed consent.
  • Describe the barriers to providing informed consent and have knowledge of strategies to overcome these difficulties.
  • Recognise a patient who lacks capacity.
  • Understand the support that is available to make valid, legal decisions for a patient who lacks capacity.
  • Understand the concept and components of shared decision-making and to apply this in patient consultations.
  • Access or develop decision aids that can be shared with patients to empower them as a true partner in the decision making process.
  • Understand the many components of communication and how to communicate effectively with patients, relatives and colleagues.
  • Recognise the potential for conflict and when this is escalating.
  • Develop strategies to manage and resolve conflict.

Relevant competencies in CoBaTrICE

  • 7.4 Communicates the continuing care requirements of patients at ICU discharge to health care professionals, patients and relatives
  • 8.2 Discusses end of life care with patients and their families / surrogates
  • 12.1 Communicates effectively with patients and relatives
  • 12.2 Communicates effectively with members of the health care team
  • 12.3 Maintains accurate and legible records / documentation
  • 12.4 Involves patients (or their surrogates if applicable) in decisions about care and treatment
  • 12.5 Demonstrates respect of cultural and religious beliefs and an awareness of their impact on decision making
  • 12.7 Collaborates and consults; promotes team-working
  • 12.8 Ensures continuity of care through effective hand-over of clinical information
  • 12.9 Supports clinical staff outside the ICU to enable the delivery of effective care
  • 12.12 Formulates clinical decisions with respect for ethical and legal principles

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